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Only paid-up, financial members whose status on the membership database shows as current can use an AAFM ® certification designation. The designation is a trademark owned by the membership, so if you use this while not being a current paid-up member of the Academy, you are breaking the law.

The membership fees presently are very reasonable at just US$250 per 2 years. That's just over US$10 per month!

Often employers seeking to employ AAFM ® accredited professionals will contact AAFM ® to verify that the candidate has completed AAFM ® education and assessment. If the candidate is not a current member, then we sadly have to inform the employer that the candidate is no longer allowed to use the designation awarded. If the member is current, we gladly issue a reference letter confirming the candidate's status as a member in good standing and we are happy to confirm the certification date for the professional qualification.

* All good standing fees and prices are subject to change.

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